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On Demand Currency Conversion

Convert between Bitcoin and USD. Learn how to move money between your OpenNode wallet balances with this simple guide.

Updated over a week ago

OpenNode provides simple tools that allow you to make one-off currency conversions between your Bitcoin and local currency wallet.

Note: To enable currency conversions, you must:

Conversion to USD and USD transfers are not available for individuals and businesses in:

  • Alaska

  • Arkansas

  • Connecticut

  • New York

  • North Carolina

  • Texas

How to Initiate On Demand Currency Conversions

1. Within the OpenNode dashboard, navigate to Wallets.

2. Select your Bitcoin wallet.

Image of Wallets available for currency conversions using OpenNode

3. From within your Bitcoin wallet, select Instant conversion.

Image of Instant currency conversions in the opennode dashboard

4. To exchange Bitcoin to USD, enter the amount you want in the box (1.) enter your 2FA code, and click continue (2.)

Image of the exchange feature with 2 factor authentication for currency conversion

To exchange USD to Bitcoin, enter the amount you want in the box (1.) enter your 2FA code, and click continue (2.).

Image of the funds available and 2fa for currency conversion

That's it! It's that simple to convert in and out of Bitcoin with OpenNode.

Note: To convert automatically at the time of the transaction, please check out our automatic conversion guide.

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